Week 2-Blended Learning in the Classroom?

This week, I received a variety of articles on technology in the classroom. However, none specific to the ESL classroom or to English language learners in general. Due to the wide array of topics of the articles I received from my google alerts, I decided to choose the one article which peaked my interest. The article entitled St. Mary's to Implement 'Blended Learning' written by Raymond Daye explained how a private school will be implementing technology in order to differentiate instruction of their students within the classroom environment. In doing so, they believe that their students will have a greater learning experience as they have the opportunity to learn at their own pace, while still having the support of their teachers in their classroom.

As students are provided with either iPads or Chromebook, they will engage in learning as they use a tool named ready. iReady provides instruction to the students in both reading and math concepts. The students are also assessed through this program; in which it is determined whether or not the students can progress to the next level of material or if it is necessary for the students to review a concept they have not yet mastered (even that of which should have been learned in a previous grade). Students will not progress until all previous concepts have been mastered. If necessary, the classroom teacher will assist the student in accessing the material necessary to learn the concept and advance to the following level. 

As this school implements the use of this program, they also believe that each students accomplishments should be celebrated. Regardless of how much or how little progress is made, each student is celebrated for their individual efforts and "academic growth in a subject “will be celebrated every day, week and month" (Daye, 2017). The school believe that this form of positive reinforcement will help keep their students motivated and grow their desire to continuing learning. 

The article also goes on to note the pros and cons of implementing iReady in the classroom environment as determined from educators throughout the world. Equally noting how the program can aid in teaching our students as well as hinder their ability to engage in certain experiences. Some educators believe that this form of teaching can be effective in ensuring that students are receiving an equal learning opportunity as they learn at their own pace with a program tailored to their specific needs. It is also noted that the use of this program will allow teachers the time necessary to provide additional support to those students who are struggling in the classroom, allowing them a greater chance of success. Conversely, there are educators who believe that due to the unreliability of technology at times, that the program make not function at its best in which we must question its reliability and validity in measuring the students learning and progress. It is also said to impede students from engaging in collaborative learning with their peers. 

As I read this article, I believe that as with anything these pros and cons will definitely come to the surface with implementing this program within the classroom environment. However, if used as a way to supplement students learning in a language education environment, both students and teachers can benefit from its use. As this will allow teachers the ability and time to work closely with those students who need additional support in order to learn academic concepts while increasing their second language skills. Teachers can also determine additional ways in which to increase peer-peer interaction and opportunities to work collaboratively within the classroom, which can add to their use of the English language as a way to increase their skills. Overall, schools who wish to implement this program should only do so if they have the means of keeping their technological devices up to date and running smoothly as to ensure that there is less room for invalid data collection. 

Daye, R. L. (2017, June 09). St. Mary's to implement 'Blended Learning' Retrieved June 10, 2017, from https://www.avoyellestoday.com/news /st- mary%E2%80%99s-implement%E2%80%98blended -learning%E2%80%99


  1. Hello Samantha,
    After reading this article, would you want to use this app? Or, do you see it being easily incorporated in your school/district?


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